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For many of us, our pets have been a source of comfort and good company during this period of time. Now that some restrictions have been lifted and we can head out of the house, our routines have (sort-of) gone back to (a new) normal - taking our pets out with us for meals and walks. How do we maintain good hygiene for our homes and our pets? Here are some tips!

Keep your pets groomed

Even though grooming services might not be as easily accessible, it is good to keep your pets fur short and nails trimmed. This makes ensures that their fur does not pick up germs or bacteria on their walks. Regular brushing also helps to keep them from shedding too much along with a healthy coat and skin.

Wash and sun toys regularly

Most pet toys are machine-washable or rubber-based. Tossing them into the machine regularly and giving them a wipe down often is a good way to ensure your home remains clean. Placing them outside in strong sun also helps to kill any bacteria. This is a good habit to have especially with toys that are brought outside. Don't forget to keep their food and water bowls clean too!

Consistent paw-washing

Once your pet is back from a walk outside, don't forget to give their paws a wash - especially in between their paw pads which is where they would have picked up anything on their walks.

Air your home

Allowing fresh air to circulate around your home keeps smells at bay and a well-ventilated home also helps to make sure bacteria and germs don't get to stay around for long.

Keep up to date with your pet's health

Ensure your pet's vaccinations and any heartworm prevention treatments are up to date.

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